Monday, September 3, 2012

Is that all there is?

Is that all there is, is that all there is, if that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing- let's break out the booze and have a ball, if that's all there is! ~ Peggy Lee

The Lyrics to Peggy Lee’s song speak about the cards life deals us. She is seeking something more to life. If this is all there is then why do we worry, why do we stress? If this is all there is then why not go on doing all that we please because what else are we living for?

Ecclesiastes 1:2- “Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.”

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon writes about the meaning and purpose of life. He determines that this life is meaningless. As you read through the book we see the various outlets in which we search for fulfillment, purpose, or meaning.

·      Wisdom- (“worldly wisdom”)

Ecclesiastes 1:18 For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.

1 Corinthians 3:19-20- for the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness”; and again, “The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile.”

·      Pleasure-

Ecclesiastes 2:10-11 I denied myself nothing my eyes desired;
    I refused my heart no pleasure.
 My heart took delight in all my labor,
    and this was the reward for all my toil. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done
 and what I had toiled to achieve,
 everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
    nothing was gained under the sun.

·      Accomplishments-

Ecclesiastes 2:21 For a person may labor with wisdom, knowledge and skill, and then they must leave all they own to another who has not toiled for it. This too is meaningless and a great misfortune.

Ecclesiastes 5:15 Everyone comes naked from their mother’s womb, and as everyone comes, so they depart. They take nothing from their toil that they can carry in their hands.

“We weren't meant to be somebody--we were meant to know Somebody” – John Piper

Where do you find meaning? As I read through Ecclesiastes I thought really hard about the following questions: (how would you answer these)

1.) What thing(s) do I think about most throughout my day?

      2.) How satisfied am I with my current situation? Am I longing for more that what the Lord has given?

     3.) What can I do TODAY (and the days to follow) that will serve others? Am I spending majority of my time/finances/thoughts advancing myself?

     4.) Am I trapped in this “consumer culture?” Do I do more consumption or giving?

     5.) Am I devoting my time towards my passions? What are my passions?
     6.) Is Christ my ultimate reason for living?

Although Solomon’s words in Ecclesiastes may not be the most encouraging- they are true- This life is Meaningless because nothing of this world has meaning.

1 John 2:17- This world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.

As we continue reading Ecclesiastes, chapter 5 verse 15 reminds us that we take nothing when we die, and that our legacy will soon be forgotten. However; In Christ Jesus- Our lives are full of meaning because our purpose is ETERNAL.

Philippians 1:12- Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.

Wherever you are, whatever you are going through- if you are in Christ, then each season, all struggles, and every blessing serves to advance His kingdom!!!! WOW J

Matthew 20:28- Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

This Labor day- ask yourself those questions above. Think about the “work” or “activities” of your daily life. Do your efforts reflect Christ’s love? Are you using your efforts to advance His Kingdom or build up your own? I have been guilty of the later. I am human and will continue to battle the desires of my flesh- but this Labor Day I want to examine my life. I am pin pointing the areas where I find “worldly meaning” or hold on to for personal advancement. I choose to let go and ask Him to work through me- Without Him my wisdom, desires, and accomplishments will soon fade away! 

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