Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tolerance Leads to Relative Christianity

How many of you have enjoyed this year’s football season!? It has been an exciting year, full of surprising victories. You may claim that some wins (or maybe loses) were attained by certain calls made during the game. As a referee, their job is to throw flags when the players “step out of bounds” or play unfairly. You see many of these flags called during a game, however; you do not usually see the ref huddle the teams together to discuss the reason for a players actions: “Yah the player clipped the guy, but he is going through a really difficult time… so maybe, we should let this one slide?” No, that doesn't happen… because it is the ref’s job to make sure the entire game is played according to the rules. There isn’t a “grace” quarter.
As Christians, we called to do the same thing- not just in the lives of others, but more so in our own lives! We should have more of a right to throw flags when the people we love, or even ourselves are associating or partaking in unbiblical territory. However; we often ignore the “gray areas.” We make excuses for ourselves and for others simply because may be labeled: judgmental, prude, arrogant, or intolerant. But the Lord tells us that we are to speak the truth and not to fear, but throw flags out of love!

Ephesians 4:25 Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.

In Second Peter, we are warned about false teachers and the tolerances so many of us have towards false teachings from our world.

2 Peter 2:1-3 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.

I.                   Why does Truth Matter?

1.      Before you can identify what is false, you have to know and understand the truth.
                                                              i.      We often accept the lies to avoid conflict. (We ignore or fail to address the truth)

2.      We have a subtle belief that the truth is good, but it can be harsh & heavy.

                                                              i.      No one wants to share their true opinions on matters like abortion, pre marital sex, drinking, politics, or religion during thanksgiving dinner because you might spoil the turkey

3.      So maybe what we really need is a little less truth and a little more love
                                                              i.      But, we cannot pin the two against each other and see who wins, because they are really the best of friends. They work together to bring unity in the church

                                                            ii.      When you separate the two, you are actually causing rifts in the body.

Ephesians 4:14- Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.

Tolerance (what Paul calls “child-like”) is the first step on our downward spiral.  Think of a child playing at the beach. Innocently, he decides to dip his feet in the water. The rush of the waves feel good crashing on his toes so he decides to go a little deeper, now at his knees, all the excitement pushes him to go further… out to his waste, then shoulders, then he is no longer standing. Eventually he realizes he is so far away from the shore and the current is too strong to swim back and he begins to drown in the water that once felt so good!

This is our fate when we down play the truth! We allow things to continue, even when we know it is not biblical or spiritually uplifting. It feels good and we often enjoy it so either we partake in the lies or maybe we are not participating, but we allow them to continue around us. Tolerance is the first step- this is right where the enemy wants us to be! We are so easily swayed by the latest guru, TV show, blog, or motivational speaker and when we are tolerant of the lies we see/hear, it is only a matter of time before we begin to believe them.

The opposite of Tolerance- Ephesians 4:13
As believers we are to cling to the truth and become mature in our faith.  We are called to love God with all your: heart, soul, strength, and with all your mind. Why: because, you cannot love what you do not know-
John Owen- “The good which the mind cannot discover, the will cannot choose, and the affections cannot cling to- the deceit of the mind is commonly laid down as the principle of all sin.”

Above all those matters, Truth matters because of Christ! “I am THE Truth.”

Truth is not just an opinion that varies from time to time, from person to person, but it is embraced in Christ and it can be believed on in Him! Peter urges us to know the Truth, to know Jesus as Savior! He warns us of the false teachings to come and of the naïve believes many people buy into!

II.                Marks of False Teachers/False Teachings:

1.      False Teachers will come from within (2Peter 2:1)

2.      False Teachers will secretly teach destructive heresies

                                                              i.      There is no disclaimer.

                                                            ii.      Greek word for Heresies is Heresies and it means opinion. Peter says- “destructive opinion”
Live in an age where the one thing you are entitled to, is your opinion. And we are taught to respect ALL peoples views- that one is no better than another.

                                                          iii.      There are wrong beliefs/practices (even within the church) and by ignoring, we bring destruction on ourselves.

We are all guilty of tolerating these destructive heresies. We become that child drifting out to sea because we tolerate or maybe even believe the lies our world tells us. We begin to play the “how far is too far game… how close to the line can I get without crossing it.”

3.      False Teachers will be appealing

                                                              i.      Once our desire to please the Lord is removed, our next “natural” desire is to please man. We are easily enticed by an alluring message.
                                                            ii.      2Peter 2: 14 & 17-19-
False teachers:
·         Seduce the unstable
·         Appeal to the lustful desires of the flesh
·         Entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error.
·         Promise freedom while they themselves are living id depravity
·         People are slaves to whatever has mastered them!

False teachings tend to be more appealing when we are in the middle of difficulties- when we are more vulnerable. It is during these times that we find TEMPORARY comfort in the lies our world feeds us.

                                                          iii.      Why are false teachers attractive?
·         We can physically see them/feel them
·         The farther away from the lord, the less we feel the conviction from the Holy Spirit
·         We have an emotionally based faith!

4.      False Teachers will be bold, convincing, and fake
                                                              i.      Exploiters that use fabricated words.
                                                            ii.      Greek word for false= plastos (where we get the word plastic from) – They feed us “plastic words.” Words that can be fabricated or manipulated to suit a false/hidden agenda

III.             Modern Conditions: Lies we face today
With all that being said, I want to address this modern idea of relativism.

Relativism: Points of view have no absolute truth or validity. Having only relative, subjective value according to differences in perception, consideration, and opinion. Where in a relativistic mode of thought, principles and ethics are regarded as applicable in only limited context.

Example- In my Sunday school class this week, I blind folded some volunteers. I handed them a can of diet sprite. While blind folded, I asked them to describe/guess what they were holding and then convince the class that they were holding_____ (whatever it was they guessed). Both volunteers guessed a type of soda- one an orange soda and the other a Dr. Pepper. I asked our class… who is telling the truth?

Although they were both incorrect, they were telling us what they deemed to be true based on their perceptions. This is exactly how false teachers operate. False teachers or even false teachings are not always bad/evil. They often believe they are speaking the truth and many make it sound convincing.
Many times, they provide a partial truth. Just like this example, they were correct, they were holding a soda, but they did not know which type. The kinds they claimed to hold might feel the same in weight and size, but a diet sprite tastes completely different from an orange soda or Dr Pepper.

This leads us to the idea of Relative Christianity- This way of living/believing allows us to live almost a double standard life, where we pick and choose which part of the word we want to follow and which parts to ignore. I believe this is why so many non-believers are turned off to church. When we start to become a “relative” Christian church, we might contradict each other and I can see how it would be confusing. Heck- we even confuse ourselves! Our pluralistic society wants to avoid the idea that there really is a right and wrong. 

When the “I am glad that is true for you… but it isn’t true for me” phrase begins to seep into the church or in our lives, We will move away from biblical doctrine and move towards things more mystical that we can make personal to us. We make our own rules for the “gray areas” of life.

THE PROBLEM WITH RELATIVISM- Robs us of the truth of Christ and provides fertile soul for heiresses!

1 Peter 3:17-18
 For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.

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