Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ask God to open your eyes

In my last entry, I talked about true meaning of contentment and the effects of discontentment. Discontentment can root from a number of issues and circumstances. Today I am going to address a common cause of discontentment, one that I am also dealing with. Discontentment often begins with a lack of clarity or feeling lost. I don’t know what you are personally going through, but I am sure many of you face situations in which you do not have an answer. Maybe it is a matter that keeps leading you to a dead end or a fork in the road, not knowing which way to go. This “foggy” path can easily stir a dissatisfied outlook. When we do not have clear direction, we feel out of control. 

In Genesis 21- Hagar fears that her son will starve/thirst to death. She is completely hopeless when she begins to sob as she believes her son will soon die. 

“Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.” (Genesis 21:19 NIV)

Like Hagar, we desperately need the Lord to open our eyes! How often are we going through our own drought because we fail to see the well right in front of us? We are incapable of finding the answers, or following the right direction on our own. 

Maybe there is something you have wanted your whole life: achieve a certain degree, start a business, run a marathon, get married, travel the world… You are determined to do something, but you don’t know how/ where to start. Many people become frustrated with God because there is something keeping them from achieving their goal. (Thus they are discontent) I have always been told: “The Lord has a better plan than you do… The Lord has his own timing… be patient and wait for the Lord.” 

Like 99% of women, I long for the perfect man and eventually my own family. I struggle with a fear of never having this. For others, they chase after a career, that perfect job or title. Some battle with their self image and long for the perfect body. Many chase after material possessions. There are a number of things you believe will “complete you.” When you look around and see others with this relationship, title, or thing, you may become bitter or impatient. It is hard to believe that the Lord has a better plan and better timing when all we can focus on is how much we long for something. 

I encourage you to read Numbers 22. This story is an example of God’s protection and greater plan. God might not be saying “no” because he doesn’t want you to have something, but he might be protecting you! Or maybe He has something better than what you are looking for. Maybe you are single because God has someone so awesome that you have yet to meet. Or God has shut the door to a certain job because another is around the corner. There are many examples I could go through but the point is, we can only see/ feel what we want today, we have no idea what God has to offer us tomorrow!

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