The second chapter of The Case for Faith brings up the objection: “Miracles contradict science & therefore they cannot be true.”
If miracles are in direct violation of natural laws, then how can a reasonable person believe they could ever occur?
For example, How can a rational person believe that a baby was born from a virgin, a man walked on water, and bodies rising from the dead? These are all biblical miracles that many struggle to accept because scientifically, they are not possible. Those of us that call ourselves Christians, believe in a God that created the universe. For those of us who believe God was capable of creating the world, it is easy for us to believe he intervened in a virgin birth and had the power to rise from the dead.
Lets go to the meaning of the word “miracle.” A miracle is a an event that scientifically is not producible by natural causes in a specific time & place. A miracle lies outside science, as the goal of science is to find natural explanations. Miracles are in violation with the laws of nature. If a supernatural agent is at work, then the idealized conditions described by the “law” are no longer in effect. For example, If I were to drop a pen, the law of gravity says it will fall to the floor. If someone reached out and caught the pen, they are not opposing the law of gravity, rather they are intervening with the Law. That is essentially what God does when he causes a miracle to occur.
In my own life I have several stories that resonate with this idea. For example, today I was carrying a bunch of things with me: umbrella, jacket, workout bag, computer, & my journal. It was first of all a miracle that I was able to carry all of these things through the rain in New York City… but something really awesome happened this afternoon. Struggling to exit the subway (during rush hour) I left my journal (full of all my personal thoughts/information/notes) on the train. With my hands loaded with items, I didn’t even notice it was missing until a nice lady, named Stephanie, called to tell me she had found it. WOW… there are good people here!! What a miracle, I was completely shocked to A have my journal returned, but B to meet someone in this city who was kind enough to deliver it to my building!! In my mind that is a miracle. I had old receipts in the pockets, personal letters, and notes that I would have never been able to get back. I will never forget Stephanie’s kindness and I pray God blesses her for going out of her way to help another person. This act of kindness made me realize that God has my back; He is still there! Even when I mess up, he can fix it!
This has been a pretty difficult week for me. I wont bore you with my problems, or the details of my situation, but I am struggling with a number of things. When I returned home this evening I read one of Rick Warren’s daily emails. Today the topic was “Refuse to listen to your fears.” I can’t even being to tell you how many things I am fearing today. I think the list of fears I have is larger than it has ever been in my entire life. Although the loss of my journal was not really “dangerous” it was the icing on the cake for my week. Here is the verse I read minutes after speaking with Stephanie:
“And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us.” Corinthians 1:10
God has promised his children that no matter what, he is working for our good. If you Love Jesus and truly long for a relationship with him, He can use all circumstances life throws your way for good! Romans 8:28 says that All things work together for good for those who believe in him! Not all things are good, but they are working for good.
Wow… So if this is true, I can stop stressing!!!!! I can tell all my fears and doubts: GOD HAS MY BACK! There is nothing that I am currently dealing with that God isn’t going to use for Good. Like the bear that was trapped and couldn’t see that the hunter was trying to help him, God is currently in the process of helping me! (Read my entry from day 23: The case for faith, and you will understand the comparison).
My fears, Your fears, indicate where we do not trust the Lord. Today’s Challenge: Make a list of your fears and ask God to help you identify why you have those fears in your life? Then ask that he will replace those fears with Trust!
“My hope is in You Lord
All the day long
I won't be shaken by drought or storm
A peace that passes understanding is my song
And I sing
My hope is in You alone.” Lyrics from Aaron Shust: MY HOPE IS IN YOU
Great Post Laura!! God is teaching you so much and I am so very proud of you! I thank God for giving you to me as my precious daughter!!! I love you!!! Mom