In the middle of the Holiday rush, I find myself making excuses for almost everything. “I will work out later,” “I will quit spending next month,” “I will organize my new apartment once I have everything I need moved in,” “I will start eating healthy tomorrow” or I have even said to myself- “I will figure out my life once things slow down.” What that makes no since… shouldn’t I slow down to figure out my life? But I think the worst excuses are the ones that end with “Later today.” I think make that excuse every day and then “Later today” turns into “tomorrow.” I am guilty of cutting personal time with Christ in order to do something else or get an extra 30 minutes of sleep. Every day that passes where I don’t spend time in the word, that “later today” excuse was always used. Truth is… I think it has been used the past 4 or 5 days… How does that happen??? What am I so busy doing? And I really don’t have much if anything to show for that lost time. To be honest, I have even caught myself using my subway ride to work as my “quiet time.” Ironic… The subway is never quiet… no matter what hour I am on it. If you are reading this, please pray that God not only helps me manage my time, but convicts me to prioritize time.
While I was home for Christmas, I began reading a new book: The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. I have a friend who has recently questioned my beliefs. Not in an offensive way, but in a way that has forced me to answer questions like: “Why do I believe the things I do?” This individual is definitely a thinker. He wouldn’t want me to answer with any emotional reasoning, but with hard facts. After spending some time with this person, I have been trying to come up with a perfect answer to this question. I know Jesus Christ is my savior and that He is the true Son of God, but why do I KNOW that? There are several individuals, especially in New York, that want proof. As I read through this new book, I hope to equip myself with the right words and scriptures to answer difficult questions.
The book starts with Objection 1: “Since Evil and Suffering Exist, A Loving God Cannot.”
Argument- “How can a human be sure that infinite wisdom would not tolerate certain evils in order for long-range good? Good that we cannot see.”
Towards the beginning of the chapter, there is an interview with Peter John Kreeft. Kreeft compares this issue to a bear trap. Imagine a bear trapped in such a device. The hunter for some reason begins to pity the bear and wants to liberate the animal. In order to do so, he must shoot the bear with drugs; however, the bear now thinks he is under attack and that the hunter is trying to harm him. The bear does not realize the hunter is trying to help. Then the hunter must push the animal even farther in the trap to release the tension of the springs. Now the bear is even more convinced that the hunter is not his friend. The bear reaches this conclusion because he is not human and he is not able to understand what the hunter is actually doing.
God does the same thing to us. We do not understand why God allows things to happen. Like the bear, we do not understand the “bigger picture.” We need to trust that the Lord has our best interest.
Scripture describes God as a hidden God. God gives us just enough evidence so that those who want to follow him can do so. The bible says: “Seek and you will find.” The bible is clear, only SOME will find Him!
“But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.” Deuteronomy 4:29
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
“But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:14
I am really excited about beginning this book. I hope my writings will reach those who are struggling to find or give the right answers. Please continue to pray that I remain positive. I am loving New York and I am confident the Lord has placed me here for a reason, but I am still not sure of His “long-range” plan for my life…. Scary but so Exciting!
ive been reading your past blog posts, and I really love it!!