Almost every introduction leads to the question: “What do
you do?” Whether you admit it or not, we all find some identity or purpose at
work. In fact, many people will define themselves by what their career. Everyone
has a desire to make an impact; whether you wake up singing praises because you
get to go to work today, or if you feel like you force yourself into the flames
of hell at 8am every morning. (I really hope this is not the case- even if you
dislike your job!)
Odds are most of us fall somewhere in the middle of these
two extremes. There are days work makes us feel accomplished and valuable, but
there are days it seems to drag us down or put us in an anxious, unpleasant
No matter what your circumstance, the bible shows us that
from the beginning, we were created to work. Genesis 2 tells us that “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and
take care of it.”
Yes God placed Adam and Eve in the garden to enjoy its
delights, but they were also placed there to work. In order to enjoy they land,
they were first required to cultivate its resources.
God designed work and gave us something to do, so that we
would feel accomplished. In fact, work is a gift from the Lord- He doesn’t need
us to do anything, but he gave us a job out of love. God wants us to feel
accomplished! Just like a mother wants her child to feel like a big kid while
being potty trained or learning simples tasks. We want our children to feel
accomplished as they learn to do the little things, so that they continue
trying bigger things as they mature!
That is what the Lord wants for us too! So He gives us this
same encouragement as we face each day. Work
is not a punishment- Yet somehow- many of us have let our jobs, tasks, and
responsibilities become a burden!
If we closed our eyes (you can do it now if you would like) and
pictured Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, many of us would paint the wrong
picture. I don’t know where I get this idea, but I am imagining a permanent
vacation! Before sin entered the world, I picture Adam and Eve relaxing by the
tropical waterfall, sipping on fresh squeezed pineapple juice (with one of
those cute umbrellas), maybe having a mud facial, or soaking up the sun. Ahhh
I am thinking- “man, they really messed things up for us… I
would kill for a vacation right now! Why did they have to go sin and curse the
rest of us? Now I have to go to work and take care of business.” Some of us may
think that we are required to work because sin entered the world and now “money
doesn’t grow on trees” and life isn’t a permanent vacation. This idea is
completely wrong! As mentioned earlier- Adam was designed to work and work was
never a punishment for sin! However, because sin did indeed enter the garden,
the truth is this: We are not required to work because of sin…. but sin’s
effect on work often makes it frustrating and unpleasant. *Sin
changed the way we view work!*
Gen. 3:17- 18 “Because you listened to your
wife, and ate from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from, The very ground
is cursed because of you; getting food from the ground will be as painful as having
babies is for your wife; you’ll be working in pain all your life long. The
ground will sprout thorns and weeds, you’ll get your food the hard way, planting
and tilling and harvesting, sweating in the fields from dawn to dusk. (The
Message Version)
It is because of sin, that many of us will view work as burdensome
and/or painful. However, as Christians, we no longer live under the reign of
sin and the effect of sin has no power over believers. If Christ Jesus is your Lord,
then you are no longer trapped by the authoritative power of sin… When we die
to our flesh and follow Christ, “work” can be restored to its original purpose.
Ephesians 2:10- For we are his
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared
beforehand, that we should walk in them.
In other words- those who are in Christ have been given a job, a
responsibility, or a calling. God has placed us where we are to proclaim his
name- That means your true “work” is to be a light in your office, school,
friend group, family, or wherever you spend your time. Even if your current
situation is not permanent, you have been seasonally placed there for a
specific reason- to work for JESUS!
Proverbs 20:4- A
farmer too lazy to plant in the spring has nothing
to harvest in the fall. (MSG)
I passed by the field of the sluggard and by the vineyard
of the man lacking sense, and behold, it was
completely overgrown with thistles; its surface was
covered with nettles, and its stone wall was broken
down. When I saw, I reflected upon it; I looked, and received instruction, “a little sleep, a little
slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest.”
Then your poverty will come as a robber and your want like an armed man. (ASV)
Both of these verses involve a “timing factor.” Every season we
walk through- or every job we will have- has specific tasks, responsibilities,
and decisions. Sometimes we may want to throw in the towel or take a break… but
we are here, in this season, for a reason- “If God has me here, there is still
something to do.”
Instead of asking “Why am I here?” we should ask “Lord, what needs to
be done today?” God wants us to finish strong… at work and in our current
season… it might not be the time to take a nap or throw in the towel.
In Proverbs 24:30, two different men
are described, first a slacker and then a man lacking sense.
There are many days I know I am just down right slacking off, but there are
also times that I actually don’t know or understand what I am supposed to be
doing. When I don’t know what I should be doing or exactly how to do something,
I will convince myself that it is ok to just sit and not do anything. “Better to not waste my time doing it the
wrong way.” Or I will think: “it
would be better for someone else to do this the right way- I will just wait.”
Sometimes yes, we should wait… but we should be actively waiting. If
you aren’t sure how to do something that is your responsibility, then you need
to seek counsel. ASK- don’t be like me. Don’t just do the minimum and hope
someone else will come do the rest.
If you know me, and you know what I do, then you also know that I am
constantly the person “lacking sense!” I am currently working on an IT project,
and it is a small victory when I figure out how to do something as simple as post
an Instagram photo. HA!
But in Proverbs 24 v. 30, Solomon was not referring to the man lacking
mental knowledge, but he was referring to the man’s drive (or lack thereof!) In
my case- it is ok that I am technology challenged… that is why God blessed me
with a young college sister to give me free social media tutorials. And at
work, it is ok that I do not know what I am doing 50% of the time… that is why
He has provided amazing Co-workers to show me.
As believers, we are instructed to work wholeheartedly in all that we
do. Sometimes, we may need to ask someone for help or we might have to do a
little research… like in the shopaholic movie: “Did you just google: What is finance?”
Yes- and that is what we should do when we
don’t know the answer… we should take advantage of the resources God gave us!
This can apply to every area of life because- when we do not give our best it
negatively affects the environment around us.
I will be the first to admit that I easily settle for “good enough,” especially
when I don’t know the answers or instructions to follow. Usually I settle for
average because I am lazy. I don’t want to seek advice or learn about an
uninteresting topic. Many times I just try to get my 40 hours in, hit submit,
and call it a week…
But like many people in our generation, I have the wrong view of work.
Work shouldn’t be about how many hours we log; but rather, work should be about
the output/results produced.
Many of us are more concerned with the appearance of putting in our
hours than actually working. Instead of working longer, some of us need to work
Proverbs 6:6-8- Go to the ant, you
slacker! Observe its ways and become wise. Without a leader, administrator, or
ruler, it prepares its provision’s in summer; it gathers its food during
In proverbs, Solomon uses ants as an example. By paying attention to
ants we can actually learn a few things about our work. Initially, when you
look at an anthill, it may appear as if there are hundreds of ants running
around frantically- just a bunch of chaos or activity.
Several of us feel like our lives are overloaded with activities- I
know I feel this way- I run from one meeting to another to another (half of these
meetings seem pointless- seriously, we
hold a meeting to talk about another meeting?) After a busy workday, I may
try and cram in a workout or an errand before dashing off to bible study, small
group, or a dinner… and by the time I get home it is ten or eleven. I crawl in
bed and think…. Did I do anything today that moved me closer to where I want to
be? Usually the answer is no… then I will ask: well, did I do anything today that
drew someone closer to the Lord? Or did I, myself, draw closer to the Lord?
Sometimes the answer is yes, but more times than I would like, the answer is
again No.
If I want to be efficient- at work and in my personal life, I need a
plan. The things I fill my schedule with need to support that plan! I may have
a long-term vision that has nothing to do with my current situation, but the
work I do today will impact the direction I am going tomorrow. I believe
God has placed you right where you are for a specific reason, whether you are
there a month, a year, or ten years…. You wouldn’t be there if there wasn’t
work to be done.
Even if you are looking for an out, as Christians, we are instructed
to finish strong! That means we are to work smart… just finishing
doesn’t take much effort…. People may
not notice the way you start, but they will always remember the way you finish!
When you take a close look at the anthill, you will see every ant moving
because they all have a job. No one has to tell the ants what to do… they just
do it because that is what they were designed for. Unfortunately, some of us have
forgotten what we were designed for. God designed us to work: work as a
teacher, lawyer, mother, student, father, friend, small group leader or
whatever you do… work hard and work smart in all that you do. You are working
to reflect Christ.
Maybe it is time to evaluate your position and responsibilities: Where
do you need to focus? What do you need to stop and what do you need to start? If you hear only part of the message today, I
pray that you do not hear a motivational speech to get busy… Life isn’t just
work, work, work, plan, plan, plan… Don’t get so wrapped up in work or plans that
you forget the purpose.
In Proverbs 6:8, Solomon says the ant “prepares its provisions in
summer and it gathers its food during harvest.” We are called to make
provisions so that we can gather in the harvest. The quote “work hard, play
hard” can apply here.
God wants us to reap the rewards of our hard work, but He also wants
us to enjoy the work along the way! There is a season to celebrate
accomplishments or kick up our feet and relax… however, before the celebration
begins, we must ensure the preparations have been made…but enjoy the
preparation. This starts with our attitude…
Solomon gives us another analogy that corresponds:
Proverbs 14:4-
Without oxen a stable stays clean, but you
need a strong ox for a large harvest.
In Solomon’s day an Oxen served as a tractor would today. Just like a
Tractor, the Oxen required maintenance- maybe even more. You would have to care
for it, feed it and clean up after it. Owning an Ox was not a simple task, but
without it, there was little chance of having a full harvest. Sometimes we have to make an investment to
receive a profit.
Again we see this in Proverbs 24
Proverbs 24:27- complete your outdoor
work, and prepare your field; afterward build your house.
We are not only instructed to make investments, but also to prioritize
those investments. A farmer may need to repair his roof, but if it is planting
season he has to determine which is more important- planting or repairing? (both
need to be done but we must determine the priority- which should be done
first?) If the farmer chooses to repair the roof first, he may miss some
planting and come harvest time the roof won’t leak, but he might not have
enough food for his family.
Sometimes the question is not Where to give our time or investment…
but when.
This leads to our next topic: Giving… where are we giving our time? Where
are we giving our resources? Scripture calls us to work hard and work smart,
but it also instructs us to give generously.
Giving is always a great topic to speak on; however, it is not always
a topic we rush to put into action. I can stand up here all day and encourage
each of you to give and most of you would agree- “Yes, we should all give!
Let’s change the world!” Those kind of motivational talks are great… but when
we leave this room, will we actually do it? It doesn’t matter if we agree… what
matters in this case is what we do.
I can’t speak for all of you, but personally, I don’t think to myself:
“You know, I really don’t enjoy going to
work at 7am everyday… But, it will be so worth it when I get to spend my
vacation days serving others or when I get to give part of my paycheck to the
No, not at all- I am usually thinking: “This will be so worth it when I get to go to the mall!” I really
don’t think I am alone here…
So what does scripture say about the money & time that I have
worked so hard to earn…
Proverbs 11:24-25- One gives freely,
yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only
suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will
himself be watered.
If this verse is true… what then keeps us from giving?
Insecurity, Fear, & Comfort… those are Idols I constantly fight. When
I earn any kind of money or reward, those three things typically control my
spending, saving and giving. First- I struggle with insecurities, so I allow
the world to influence what I see in the mirror and that leads to the products
and clothes I purchase. Second- I fear my future stability, so then I hoard rather
than save smart. Third- I tell myself if there is any left…. I should give. However;
what is left always depends on the first two…
Even still, when I am obedient and give, that generosity STILL has
selfish agendas. Most of the time, I give hoping to receive more in return. I
may not verbally say it, but often I give with a belief that I must give in
order to receive the Lord’s blessings... So I catch myself asking “Do I give for the wrong reasons? Will He
still bless me if that is true?”
I have decided that neither of these is the right questions to ask….
Instead, the question I really need to ask is this: Is my giving motivated by love for God more than a desire to get something in return?
As I was writing this lesson, I realized a few things:
1.) God appeals to rewards regularly in scripture, so the desire for
rewards cannot be inherently bad.
6:38 Give,
and it will be given to you.
Proverbs 3:9-10 Honor the Lord with your wealth
and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled
with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.
2 Corinthians 9:6 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also
reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
There are several more… but I just wanted to make my point.
God knows our human flesh wants to be rewarded for good… we cannot help it! We
all want blessings.
So then I concluded…
2.) It’s better to do right out of self-interest than to not do
right at all
And this is Because….
3.) God can change our inferior motives
God can change, mold, & soften an obedient
heart more easily than a disobedient one.
Jesus provided the best example before he went to
the cross. He too thought about His own comfort when he asked God if there was
any other way. Jesus did not want to suffer on the cross, but He yielded to
a higher desire—the desire to do the Father’s will and to save us!
It is ok to be motivated by rewards, but More Than that, we should be
motivated to please God! When we I understand what Christ really did for me-
that he really died in my place, He nailed my sin to death and gave me a new
life so I could spend eternity in Heaven! When I grasp the truth of that, I
will gladly work for Him… and the more I work for Him, the more I give him… the
easier it becomes and the more I want to yield! The Lord molds my heart when I surrender!
Although I do like my paycheck, money is not
enough to keep me at my job… my desire to please Him is what keeps me going. Yes,
I must earn a living, but the biggest reason I go to work with a smile is to be
a light! Many days I truly do not want to smile and many days I do not… but my
heart longs to share Jesus Christ with everyone around me. God instructs us to work hard and give
generously so that others around us will see HIM!
Proverbs 11:23- “The desire of the righteous ends only in good!”
I am convinced that my story will end in good… no
matter how it ends. So I must keep going, knowing that Christ is on my side! He
will make sure my work and my investments do not go unnoticed.