Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 19: We serve God by serving others

Jesus measured greatness in terms of service, not status. In today’s culture, we determine greatness by our power & prestige. If we are successful by the world’s standards, then others should be serving us… However, this is the exact opposite of how God measures our success. God wants us to be serving more than we are served. He wants us to have a servant’s heart.

Matthew 7:16- You can tell what they are by what they do. No one picks grapes or figs from thornbushes.

As true servants of God, we need to remind ourselves each day that we are not in control of our schedule. My Agenda should be whatever God wants to bring in my life. When there is an opportunity to serve, I should make it a priority over my own concerns. Spending an hour helping a friend is a much better use of my time than wasting an hour in front of the television. I do believe it is important to have some time alone/relaxing, but the TV, book, or computer will be there later! It is ok to give these things up for a few nights when someone or something else needs your help.

Galatians 6:10- We should help people whenever we can, especially if they are followers of the Lord.

Proverbs 3:28- Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God's hand for that person. Don’t tell your neighbor "Maybe some other time" or "Try me tomorrow." (The Message)

Lately I have felt God calling me to serve. I am not sure where God wants me to serve, but I am ready and willing. As a new resident in New York City, I am not sure where He is calling me? But I believe He has called me to this City for His glory.  I have asked the Lord to show me where He wants me to serve and asking Him to put the right people in my path. This City is full of lost people, and I am so excited for God to place me where he wants me.

If you follow my blog, or if you are reading this entry, please be praying that God leads me in the right direction. I need Him to show me Where, When, How, & Who to serve.  I encourage you to also ask the Lord to direct you and place you where he wants you to serve.

Mark 10:43- whoever wants to be great must become a servant! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 18: Passion

Psalms 139:16- Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Nothing is insignificant. God knew every single event of your life before it came to be. God gives each of his children certain talents, interests, and experiences to his glory.

We instinctively care about some things more than others; these are clues to where and how we should be serving. God has a purpose for giving you certain interests. We need to consider how our interests can be used for God’s glory. So many people wind up taking a job that “pays” them well and believe once they have saved up enough, then they can do what they really love. This is a big mistake; the greatest things in life are not things!

I know this from experience. I took a job straight out of college partially due to the salary. I was more concerned with the size of my paycheck than the actual job itself. Sure the money was nice to have, but it did not take very long to realize that no amount of money could satisfy me. What we often fail to realize is that no matter how large our paycheck, it will never be enough to make us happy. If you are doing something you love, the rewards are so much better! The most successful people are the ones who are passionate about what they do.

God gave us certain talents because He wants us to use them! What are you passionate about? How can you use that passion to bring glory to God?
All of our abilities come from God, even abilities used to sin. When we use our talents for the world, and not for the Lord, we are abusing the gifts that God gave us. 

Our abilities should also be a clear indication of what God wants us to do with our life. “Clues to knowing God’s will for you.” Many times it is hard to admit that God has given us a talent or ability that is calling us in a different direction.  Many times we may not even know why God is calling us in a certain direction? We do not yet know what talent or ability he wants us to be using, but we can almost hear him screaming: “Go” or “Stay” but to do what?

I am in New York City, still not sure what God wants me to be doing? All I know is that I am here for Him! I want Him to use me and I am patiently waiting, allowing him to guide me. I have asked Him to bring the right people in my life and show me what exactly I am being called to do in this city.

In church yesterday, the service began with this verse:

Psalms 27:14- Wait for the Lord's help. Be strong and brave, and wait for the Lord's help.
Ok, Clearly the Lord is telling me to be patient. For those of you who know me, I am not always patient. When an idea is put in my head, I run full speed with it. I don’t like to wait, this has always been an issue of mine. For example, Last week I was freaking out about where I was going to live? Once my cousin, Allison, heads back to Texas, What will I do? I don’t know many girls in this city, and I know ZERO girls who need a roommate. So I began looking for a one bedroom and quickly discovered… I was not going to be able to afford a place by myself in Manhattan. Still my stubborn self spent all week researching, calling brokers… every attempt lead to the same answer. “Ok God…. Clearly I cant do think alone, and clearly I cannot live alone! So you figure it out…I am giving it to you. Help me to not be anxious, you got me here… surely you will not let me live on the street.” Literally 30 minutes later, I receive a phone call from a guy who clams to be a “roommate matchmaker” hmmm im very skeptical but allow him to tell me about his business… after speaking with him I agree to meet him and another girl. Turns out this girls is pretty cool… she even went to Baylor… WHOOP another Texas girl!! WE are going to be looking together for a place this week J and our matchmaker is in the process of finding us a 3rd roommate! GOD YOU ARE SO GOOD TO ME!!

I cannot help but laugh when I think about God’s grace and his sense of humor. He always lets me get so worked up and frustrated from trying, but the moment I give it to Him, He works it out! Why have I not learned that my God is for me, If I am truly following Him, He has it all planned out. I don’t need to get in the way.

My goal this week: (Week 2 in the City)
-       Stop stressing… God’s Got me
-       Find a community to serve. I want to get plugged in somewhere and do something to give back! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 17: Accepting your Assignment

I was put on this earth to make a contribution. God designed me to make a difference.

Jeremiah 1:5- “Before I made Laura, I chose her. Before Laura was born, I set her apart for special work.”

You can insert your name in these blanks. If you are a child of God, you were placed on this earth for a special assignment. No matter where you are in life, God currently has you there for a reason.

Romans 7:4- “ Now you belong to Him…. In order that we might be useful in the service of God.”

So many of us are looking for a place to call home. We want to be involved in a church or an organization that benefits ourselves and satisfies our own needs. When we look for this, we may find temporary comfort, but we will never be fully content.  God has designed us to fulfill his purpose; therefore, we need to stop asking “Who or what is going to meet my needs?” and start asking, “Whose needs can I meet?”

Mark 8:35- “ If you insist on saving your life, you will lose it. Only those who throw away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News will ever know what it means to really live.”

“If you are not serving, you are just existing.” ~ Rick Warren

Yesterday was my first day at my new job. I woke up early to spend some time with the Lord and asked God to hold my hand through the day. I asked for wisdom, peace, and most importantly a positive attitude no matter what. As I began to walk towards the subway, a rush of emotions came over me: 

“What am I doing? Is this really God’s will? Or is this what I wanted? Was I ready for something new and exciting? Or was God telling me to do something new? What if this is a disaster? What if I left my home, job, & friends to completely fail?” 

I stopped and asked the Lord, “Father, I don’t know exactly why I am here… if you did this, or if my own actions got me here? But I am here… somehow, you opened these doors. I can’t take credit for anything in my life, you allowed everything to happen, even the wrong decisions I made in the past. You knew my actions before they were made and used them to teach me. No matter what the outcome of today is, I am asking you to give me a positive attitude. If this job is not what I will ultimately end up doing, it is a stepping-stone to something bigger. And if this is where I will end up for a while, Thank you for opening the door!”

I wrote Jeremiah 1:5 on a piece of paper and said it over and over as I continued to walk towards the subway. “God has set aside special work for me!”

I am excited to share; My first day at Thomas Laine was awesome! Eimear (my new boss) is such an interesting lady. She is passionate about her work, and I am so excited to work with her. I think this job will teach me so much and lead to some pretty amazing opportunities. I am so excited to take this journey!

My prayer today is that I remain positive.  I know there will be plenty of bumps along the way and not everyday will be as exciting as yesterday. Not every job is quite as glamorous as it sounds, but I am ready to learn and willing to work hard to get where I want to be. Also, I want to make sure I am doing God’s work. He has placed me in New York not only for this job, but to touch the lives of others. I am praying that He puts the right people in my path. I want my focus to be: “How can I help this person?” I truly believe that once I am putting the needs of others in front of my own needs, that is when my needs will be filled. Taking the focus off myself is the first step. “God, lead me down the path you have made.”

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 16: Temptation

“My hope is in you lord, all the daylong. I won't be shaken by drought or storm. A peace that passes, understanding is my song and I sing, My hope is in You alone.” –Aaron Shust My Hope is in You

This weekend I moved to New York City. While on the plane, this was the song I listened to. I kept asking the Lord to give me peace and place my hope in Him as I adjust to a completely new life style. I am confident that the Lord has opened the right doors and given me this opportunity for a reason. He has some big plans in store & I am choosing to trust Him. I am sure there will be days that I doubt and wonder what I have gotten myself into, but I am going to place my Hope in Him.

Today’s entry is about defeating temptation. Every Christian is faced with temptation, if you are not, then you may need to re-examine your walk with the Lord. Satan has no reason to tempt those who are of no threat to him. In The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren shares 4 key steps to defeating temptation.

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Cor. 10: 13
How do you defeat temptation?
1)    Refocus your attention on something else:
The mind is the most vulnerable organ. Instead of focusing on not doing something, focus on doing something. For example: I am NOT going to eat sugar= sugar craving; instead= I am going to eat health foods. You defeat bad thoughts when you think about something better.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phil. 4:8
2)   Reveal your struggles to a godly friend/ support group
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. 
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Hiding our pain only intensifies it. Satan wants us to think that our temptations/ struggles are unique so we will keep them a secret. But the truth is, we all have issues. We hide our flaws because of our own pride. We want others to think we have it all under control, but whatever we can’t talk about is already out of control in our life.

3)   Resist the Devil

God’s word is our weapon against the Devil. “If you do not have bible verses memorized, then you’ve got no bullets in your gun.”

I am going to memorize one verse each week. This week I have picked Deuteronomy 31:6. As I begin a new chapter of my life, this verse is a perfect reminder that God is with me everywhere, no matter what city I am in!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

4)   Realize your vulnerability

It is easier to STAY OUT of temptation that it is to GET OUT. This is something I have really been praying about over the past few weeks. As I step out of my comfort zone and embrace a new beginning, I have a “fresh start.” I want to be different than everyone else, I want to live my life for Christ. It would be so easy to move to New York and get caught up in the ways of the world, but I am asking God to keep me from going down that path. In order to be successful, I need to STAY OUT of temptation. If I want to make an impact on others, I need to live the way Christ has called me to.

Today’s Challenge:
1)   Ask yourself- what am I pretending isn’t a problem in my life?
2)   Memorize a verse each week- your weapon to resist temptation
3)   Stay OUT of temptation.